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The Dark Minions And Leaders | Online Wrestling

March 28, 2012


You just don’t get it Murphy do you? You are a group of the former leaders of WTF and now it’s time for me to usher in a new era. An era where only people who can perform without having to need a cane to walk around backstage. I can and will defeat you after these fans give me the weapons I need to destroy you and take you out forever like you have deserved ever since my return I haven’t lost once. Except to Jude and Masters who both had the balls to come out talk trash and back it up in the ring but at the PPV. The dark minions and leaders of the new generation will emerge and celebrate my victory with me. And you won’t remember any of it because you will have no memory of what happened after I knock your ass out! Quote the leaders on April 1st.
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Jesse Seedath
CEO Of World Domination Wrestling

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  1. Theodore Egbe permalink

    i really love to watch wrestling because it is a nice game to with all thsoe brawlings. ”

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